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from the Beatles to Bigley

Poet and community activist, Tony Hillier, respectfully tries to express his emotions, at the time of the death of kidnapped Ken Bigley. Swindon, UK, 9 October 2004

from the Beatles to Bigley

Bigley came from Beatles' city
whose heart reached out with all the love that was needed
worldwide compassion was media spread
it has to be said, all those of an apathetic nature
‘Look away now’
hope for peace raised its graceful head
much thought, much said
more than Velcro-bound body armour is needed
more than street vigils worldwide
more than hiatus ceasefires
listen, please listen
the Bigley’s have the right to demand
participative peace
wisdom must blossom, as the refrain we scream loud
‘all we are saying is give peace a chance’
we are all saying give peace a chance